Rougecot® x Mirabolano 29C FRΟM 20/6/2024
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Product description
Rougecot® x Mirabolano 29 C
The first completely red apricot variety. New variety with great potential for taste, size, appearance and resistance to the flesh. Beautiful fully bright red apricot, very productive especially on the small new branches. Care must be taken at the time of collection so that the color does not deceive you. It is actually very very good to eat.
Mid-late and strong flowering.
Early variety, self-fertile. It ripens on the 2nd week of June. 15 brix sugar.
The fruit is large, red all over, round, slightly oval. It tastes great, sweet and juicy.
Rougecot® is grafted on Mirabolano 29 C rootstock which is one of the most widespread rootstocks in Italy, has moderate vigor and high grafting affinity to apricots and plums. Myrobalan 29 C adapts well to calcareous and suffocating soils and tolerates drought quite well, in addition it gives productions of good size.
To achieve pollination of the "Rouge cot" apricot variety, you can plant nearby the following varieties that are known to be good pollinators:
1. **Bergeron**
2. **Oranged**
3. **Goldrich**
4. **Tomcot**
These varieties bloom at the same time as "Rouge cot" and can contribute to successful pollination, thus ensuring a good fruit production.