Product description
Favorite versatile variety.
Winters, which appear from October to March, are large, rough and irregular in shape (elongate to subround) with a prominent or no nipple.
The flesh, in both types of fruit, is rich in juice (32-35 cm./100 g of fruit), sour and practically seedless.
The tree is of vigorous growth, productive, versatile in many soils and regions of the country, while it also shows remarkable resistance to wilting.
It is a selection of the Poros Arboretum from a population of the Lisbon variety. It is a versatile variety that scales production over time and the characteristics of its fruits differ from season to season. We can roughly distinguish two categories of lemons:
The pods, which appear on the tree from June to September, are of normal size, smooth, almost spherical and have a thin, prominent papilla. Two-wheelers represent 20-30% of production.
In general, it is a valuable variety that is promoted to scale up the production of lemons over time, as well as to exploit suitable areas with a leaf drought problem.