Passion Fruit (Passiflora)

  • Passion Fruit (Passiflora)

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Βάρος: 3.00 Kg

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InformationFor more information contact us at 26510 22282

Product description

It is called passion fruit or Passiflora edulis x Colvilli.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: withstands -8 o C. Prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas and grows well in drought.
  • FRUIT: in ideal conditions 2 times a year (June and October). It consists of seeds preserved together with a juicy jelly with an incomparable aroma and a sweet taste. The shell is hard and shiny. The fruit contains a gelatinous yellow pulp with a handful of black edible seeds.
  • NUTRITIONAL VALUE: rich in vitamins C, A, B2 and B3, K and beta-carotene. It lowers blood pressure, helps with weight loss, reduces the risk of cancer and protects against anemia. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.