Latest news from our company

Πατατόσπορος με Κούριερ 2025
Θέλετε κάτι διαφορετικό στον κήπο σας και να μην τρέχετε στην έδρα της μεταφορικής? Νέες ποικιλίες πατατόσπορου σε συσκευασία 5 κιλών, πιστοποιημένες, έρχονται στο σπίτι σας με κούριερ (€8) ή σε θυρίδα με το Box Now (€4).
Ποικιλίες Alegria, Soraya, Wega σε 5κιλο. Κατόπιν συνεννόησης μπορούν κ οι υπόλοιπες ποικιλίες σε κιλά έως 20 με BoxNow (€8) τηλέφωνο 2651022282.

For the first time in Greece, so many pecan varieties are coming to grafted trees in pots rooted. You can buy just one tree for your home,
but if you want to plant small areas or grow professionally, the table will help you achieve the perfect pollination, the perfect fruit set.
Simply combine a type A (I) pecan with another type B (II) variety.

Shipments from 21/8/2023
Due to the August 15th holiday, your orders will be shipped from Monday, August 21st. Our store will remain open during the holidays at our headquarters (4th km of Ioannina Igoumenitsa). More information at 2651022282

13/4/2023 New Batch of Rare Varieties
New varieties of forest fruits and unusual plants such as arctic raspberry, potted plants Hops (beer ingredient), dead Mens Fingers, Jostaberry, Loganberry and many more.

We are celebrating 50 years of operation in Ioannina with an offer of free shipping on ALL products sent by COURIER.

FROM SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2023 UNTIL SUNDAY 12 MARCH 2023 we will offer FREE SHIPPING every day and in a different city of all our products with an online purchase on our site, for purchases over 50 euros e.g. purchase of 2 bags of Potato Seeds. The transport will be done with a transport company at its headquarters. 10/3 Kozani! FROM IOANNINA TO KOZANI THEY GIVE FREE TRANSPORT EVEN FOR THE HEAVIEST + BULKY ITEMS (trees, fertilizer, seed potatoes)

We are closing 50 Years - Half a century of Operation under the name KOLOVOS and 17 years as Agromarket Hellas company. Thank you for your love and trust. We continue strongly

Sunday Specials % Discounts
We are entering the Christmas Holidays. For the 4 Sundays of December (4/12 to Christmas 25/12) we are having SALES on collectible products and rare plants. Caution! The promotion is only on Sunday.

Potatoseed 2022-2023
We are waiting for you at booth 9, stand 9, on the floor, to show you the new varieties for the coming season. Appointment at Agrotica in TIF Thessaloniki from 20 - 23 October 2022