Product description
Shoshoni' is a selection from an 'Odom' x 'Evers' cross released in 1972 by the USDA. made by L. D. Romberg, USDA-ARS, Brownwood, TX in 1944, first fruited in 1950;
'Shoshoni' is an early and high yielding variety. The harvest date is relatively early, on average the first week of October. The tree appears to be vigorous and is often called the "Moon Tree" because of its strong central leader.
The shape of the nut is round and the size is large.
An early and heavy growing variety in subtropical regions. Large oval nuts with a thin shell. A vigorous tree with an upright habit that makes an excellent backyard tree for the home. Suitable for high density plantings with an 8X8 central axis.
Summer shaking to reduce crop load can improve yield stability and kernel quality.
Fruit: oval-elliptical with a blunt top and rounded base. laterally compressed in cross section. 85 nuts/kg, 53% crumb with very wide dorsal grooves and deep basal cleft. Pristine, with mid-season pollination and early to mid-season receptivity. Very early and productive with a strong tendency to alternate production every two years.