
  • Jefferson

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Βάρος: 2.00 Kg

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Product description

Improvement of Barcelona in all aspects.

The fruits of 'Jefferson' ripen at the same time as "Barcelona" or up to + 3 days later. This is usually around the end of September. Nuts are born in groups of two to three,
and about 80% is released from the cortex during ripening.

It produces a high yield of large, tasty nuts that fill their shell well to 45%. Similar to the Barcelona variety, but with fewer voids and a low incidence of shriveled kernels and moldy nuts. Great bloom for a long period of receptivity.

Released by Oregon State University with resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight and high resistance to big eye mite. Commercial orchardists plant York or Yamhill for pollination at the beginning of its host season and Eta or Theta to cover the late flowering season to ensure maximum yield.
The best pollinator is Theta.

1.5 year old potted plants.