
  • Napoleon

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Product code: ΚΕ3

Βάρος: 1.00 Kg

Availability: Immediate shipment of order


InformationFor more information contact us at 26510 22282

Product description

Its fruit is large in size and spherical to heart-shaped. The bark is yellow-orange in color, with a pink tint on the part exposed to the sun. The flesh is white, moderately firm, juicy and sweet (slightly acidic). It ripens during the second and third fortnight of June. As a tree it is moderately vigorous, with rather lateral vegetation and consistently very productive. It is very sensitive to double fruit production in hot climates and susceptible to fruit splitting by rain.

It is not transportable enough because it tends to show brown bruises on the bark from handling or strong wind before harvest. It is characterized as sensitive to early autumn frosts. It is considered the best variety for processing (canning, preserving fruit in alcohol, etc.).